Wednesday 20 September 2017

Eliptical editing

Elliptical editing

Elliptical editing is used to change a long duration of clips into a condensed and improved shorter edit which will be more interesting. It includes modifying the order of clips and cutting out those that are unnecessary in order to save time and create a more interesting movie for the audience.  Elliptical editing allows an events duration to be shorter on screen then it would be in real life. An example would be a women leaving her office workplace to head home. In real life this could take 20 shots or more and would include lots of irrelevant details like her picking up her bag, opening and closing doors, saying good bye to people all of which can be reduced with elliptical editing to a more interesting shorter period of time within the movie. Editors may also use elliptical editing to speed up or slow down the pace of a film depending on the affect and feelings they want to create within the audience. 

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