Thursday 16 November 2017

Age Certificate for Our Film

Age Certificates

BBFC Age Certificates For Films
  • Infrequent strong language  
  • Sex may be briefly and discreetly portrayed
  • Verbal sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers
  • Nudity is allowed, but sexual nudity should be brief and discreet. 
  • Moderate violence is allowed, but it should not go overboard with detail.
  • There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified by their context. For example, if an injury occurs in a medical context.
  • Weapons shouldn't be glamorised.
  • Sexual violence should be brief and discreet.

 The Final Film Certificate

Our film should be categorised 12A as our film matches the criteria. Our Film has moderate violence, but only has little detail with the weapon. Additionally, our film meets a 12A criteria as it doesn't glamorise the gun we use in our film. Our film doesn't contain sexual violence, sexual references, strong language and it doesn't emphasise injuries or blood.

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