Thursday 16 November 2017

Possible certificates

 Possible Certificates for 'The next target'

This document explores all of the possible certificates, however due to our film containing violence, it will be rated above a 12.
U typically stands for Universal. This portrays that films such as, The Smurfs are suitable for all ages however, children under the age of four possibly needs to be accompanied by an adult. Therefore, these films  are usually suited to ages of four and over. Within these Universal films they can contain aspects of mild language such as, 'hell' which can influence the younger audiences to recall these words. Furthermore, these films contain minimum sexual scenes however, it can contain a couple of scenes kissing for example. In addition, violence, behavioral and drug scenes are strictly not used within this age certificate as it is not appropriate for younger audiences. Also, as they can be graphical scenes used therefore, children and younger generations can retaliate in the way characters play roles within films. Although, in some Universal films there are various bad guys contained however, they typically not represented as scary otherwise viewers may become detached from the film and frightened.

PG typically means Parental Guidance. This shows it is suited for viewers aged eight and over therefore, viewers that are younger than the approved age will need to be advised by a parent to watch the film. In contrast to a Universal film, PG's can contain images such as violence and sex as they are older audiences however, they are still kept quite mild. A PG film tends to represent to the parental audience that the content of the films can be quite upsetting towards certain viewers. As similar to Universal films, no drug scenes are used unless they are harmless otherwise this could influence the younger generations and teach them how to take drugs etc.

12A is films suitable for audiences under the age of twelve. Also, within this the A is used to establish the fact that, if a child goes to see a film they must be approved by an adult in case the child is disturbed by any images or upset by the content of the film. Within films rated 12A scenes are briefly summarised when exploring references to violence and sex as they have a clearer understanding. Although, violence scenes contain, mild injuries or blood which can still cause threat towards the audience and frighten them.

12 reflects that children under the age of 12 are strictly not approved or permitted to watch these films due to infrequent strong language, and nudity which suggests sexual references that are not appropriate towards the younger viewers. However, when these scenes are reflected within 12 rating films they are stronger in contrast to the other ratings listed above but, mild in order to make sure the audience feel comfortable. Although, people over the age of 12 are approved to watch the film with or without an adult.

15 is suitable for viewers only over the age of 15 and above due to frequent strong language used, nudity and reference to sexual scenes also, there are scenes reflecting drug use and violence. These types of sadistic scenes cause tension, suspense and horror upon the viewers therefore, this may abrupt or disturb younger audiences as they may begin to feel threatened.

 18 is only approved to viewers over the age of 18 and above. These films are likely to contain strong images and scenes of frequent violence and discrimination, and behaviour is portrayed as a threat towards others. Also, there are many scenes showing horror which would frighten younger audiences in contrast to 15 films these are more powerful and create tension upon viewers.

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