Thursday 23 November 2017

Changes to the Narrative

Changes to 'The Next Target' Narrative

As a group, we decided to make changes to our storyline due to the story lacking continuity. Additionally, the audience would find difficulty understanding the narrative as the scenes were jumbled and didn't connect. Therefore, as a group, we decided to deduct some scenes, such as the meeting scene between Charlie and Mr and Mrs Jones. In addition, we decided to add numerous scenes to our film to make the plot line more effective to the audience as well as enabling them to have a better understanding of the character of Charlie. For example, we chose to add in a news report into our film to describe what happened to Charlie as a child, as well as adding some clips of Charlie as a child.

Breif storyline:


At the beginning of the film, a person is shown opening a brown envelope and pulling a sheet of paper out which reveals information about a target and then takes out a gun. This implies that the person is an assassin.


A new reporter talks about the murder of Mrs and Mrs Hammer whilst the little girl was playing in the garden; the clip of the little girl is shown to the audience to make them feel empathy for the girl.

This then reverts back to Charlie Hammer who is shown to be getting ready. Charlie then receives a phone call for a man named H, who is her boss. Then, Charlie becomes exposed when she leaves her home and is shown to be vulnerable as she is being followed by The Man in Black. Charlie begins to realise that she is being followed and the scene starts to become intense. Charlie is shown to start walking faster and faster down a dark alleyway with The Man in Black getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Charlie turns around to try defend herself, but the screen turns black.


Charlie is being chased by The Man in Black with a gunin his hand.

Then, a flashback occurs which shows a women named Anne going for a meeting with Charlie as she wants The Man in Black to be killed as he killed her husband and child.

Charlie is shown to be the assasin killing The Man in Black.

*Title Sequence*
Afterwards, Charlie is in her office and receives an email, from H, revealing her next target.

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