Wednesday 13 December 2017

Independentn research; Conventional sound and music in thriller films

Conventional sound and music in thriller films

Sound and music are used in films to create an atmosphere around the audience. Some sounds can make the scene feel happy and full of joy while others can make the viewer nervous and scared for what’s about to come. Thriller films include sounds and soundtracks into their films in order to build the audiences understanding of what is happening in the film. Differnetr sounds are associated wiht different movie gnres, for example, comedyes use lght and happy sounds while horror films use dark, gloomy and puls raising sounds. There are different types of sounds used in movies for example, diegetic and non-diegeticsound.Silence is also widely used within thriller films, for creating a tense and nervous enviorment, for example in a scene where someone is hiding from someone else there will be no sound to show that any smallest of breath taken could show off the persons hiding palce. This is uaully followe by a floor board creeking or a bang of music debending on if the person will get away from the one chasing them.

Diegetic sounds: Sound that the characters in the movie can hear. For example, actors talking or news report.

Diegetic sound allows the caracters in the movie to also know what is happening. Speech allows two charcaters to share information and also inform the viewer of what is happening. In thirller films the most used diegetic sounds are things like creeking doors, wind howling and footsteps. These create tenison in both the character and viewer.

This is an example of diegetic sound of the actor talking. It's from on of the batman movies showing the joker talking to somoen else and Batman. This is a digetic sound as the actors in the scen can hear what is being said.

Non-diegetic sounds:Sound only the viewer can hear. For example, music in the back gorund or voiceover. 

Non-diegetic sound is used to create an emotion in the viewer. It can also warn the viewer of something being about to happen whithout the character on screen knowing, this is mostly used in horror films.  Voiceovers allow the viewer to know certain aspects about another character that others may not, for example their motives or relationship between charcaters in the film.

This video has multyple different examples of non digetic sound ranging from voice overs to music.

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