Wednesday 21 March 2018

Final questionnaire results after production

Final questionnaire answers 

This questionnaire was our final questionnaire to find out peoples opinions on the finished movie. We asked things like their opinion on the movie, whether they would change anyhting and would the recomend it to a friend. We had 8 questions plus their age and gender. This questionnaire was sent out through messanger so we could send the movie along with the questionnaire that way we wouldnt have to keep showing it to everyone. Overall we asked 16 people with a response from everyone within a few days of it being sent out. 

Age and Gender: 
 In our questionnaire we asked 16 people, making it equal we asked 8 females and 8 males and tried to make it loads of different ages. The age ranges were 12-16 from where we had 3 people, 17-20 with 6 people answering from this age range, 21-30 having 5 people and 31+ with only 2.

Question 1:
The first question asked people on a scale of one to five how likely are you to watch this movie. While they did watch it in order to fill the questionnaire we wanted to know in a sense of if they just wanted to watch any movie how likely they would be in picking our one. Number one meant least likely and number five menat highly likely. the resluts showed that most people chose the number 3, while five people chose number 4 and four people chose the answer 5, with only one person circiling two and no onew picking one.

Question 2: 
Question two we asked people where would they go and watch the movie. The options were cinema, DVD and online as they are the most popular ways of watching movies. This quetsion helped us see that if we were to relise the movie which option would have been most successful. The answers showed that 8 people asked would watch it in the cinema, 2 would purcases the DVD and 6 would watch it online.

Question 3:
In this question we asked what genre do they think our movie is. All the answers showed that we did show through the thriller genre like we wanted to. It was an even split between thriller and crime thriller with six people saying those two. The other four said that they tought it was a thriller mystery.

Question 4:
Question 4 was asking if they understood the storyline. This question was very important becasue of the amount of changes we made during our production to the storyline. All of the changes were made to make the movie make more sense. The results showed that it made quite a lot of sense, with 10 people saying yes, 5 answering sort of and with just one person not understanding teh storyline.

Question 5:
In this question we asked if they would suggest this movie to their friends. This question was to see how popular our movie could get. It also allowed us to see if the storyline would be intresting to differnet types of people.  Five people answered yes, seven people said maybe and four people said no.

Question 6:
In this question we asked what were peoples favorite parts of the movie. This was becasue we wanted to know which scenes we did the best on.  Most people liked the plot twist that we had. Some other people also liked the fact taht we gave the main character a background story and showed her childhood  and why she did the job that she did. 

Question 7:
In this question we asked the people if they would change any part of the movie. While it was too late to make any chnages it was still good to know how we could of improved our film. Most of the responses mentioned how the scene where the main charcater is followed could have been more tense by having darker lighting. Another change that the people asked suggeted was the scene where Charlie was getting ready to be in focus, as quite a few shots were out of focus.

Question 8: 
This question was our last question and asked, if there was to be a sequel would you watch it? This was so we coud see if our movie left any following questions even once it was done. It allso helped us see how much people liked our movie and if they liked it enough to see a sequel. 

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