Saturday 30 September 2017

Research into the use of sound in thriller

 How is sound used in thriller?

Sound is extremely important in the editing stage of thriller films as it is used to create understanding and in particular, tension. These sounds can be non diegetic or diegetic. Non diegetic sound relates to mainly music used to create tension which is not particularly evident actually in the scene, but placed in during the editing stage. Diegetic sound relates to the noise made in the scene which may be replaced during editing for a more distinct effect, these are usually footsteps and other human related noises. This allows an audience to immerse themselves within a scene. An audience can relate to certain feelings which we associate by different sounds, for example heavy breathing - panic. This is used to achieve a response from the audience, which is the key idea for thrillers, as they are produced to 'thrill'. Thrill is defined as 'a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure' of which these sounds help create. A thriller would be significantly different with no sound. By choosing the correct sounds in a scene, the correct mood and atmosphere can be achieved. 

How would tension be created during a chase scene using sound?
How would diegetic sound be used in thriller, an example?

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