Tuesday 12 September 2017

Individual Storyline

Individual Storyline

Title: 'Where The Past Lies'

  • Genre: Thriller / Drama
What is Thriller?
  • Thriller is a type of genre used within film which contains various sub genres for example, horror thriller and action thriller. to appeal to the audience and create suspense and excitement in order to encourage the audience and engage them more. Furthermore, tension is built through situations that present a sense of danger or perhaps where escape seems impossible. However, the subgenre for 'Where the Past Lies' could be a drama thriller with links to horror. 

  • Narrative: In the beginning of the film, 'Where The Past Lies' we are introduced to the protagonist of the film portraying her characteristics to present to the audience some background ideas of who she is and what she is. Furthermore, the narrative of the film explores certain journeys of the protagonists life during her past. The title is a significant addition to the film as it creates tension and supports the genre of thriller as it appeals to the audience. In addition, the title further reflects something mysterious could happen within the film therefore, this links to the film. As the protagonist begins her journey she boards a train and each destination links with her past and we are taken on a journey through her life to reflect who she is and where it lies during the future. Although, it further implies how the past affects her life as a child to understand her life later on. Near the end of the film, the last destination she arrives at she exits the train to see the future it appeals to the audience how she dies in conjunction with the past. Therefore, this reflects that everything during her past links to the death of herself. 

  • Cinematography: Certain shots within the film will be used in different forms for different purposes. Although cinematography is also used to form an interesting and creative film in order to engage the viewer. However, cinematography must be used accurately therefore, it can link to the genre of the film being thriller. Various thriller films typically contain cinematography through extreme close ups, and close up shots of the characters in order to present their facial expressions to convey emotion. However, some examples of shots that would be included within my film to present a message to the audience and engage them more are: long establishing shots in order to present each destination as dangerous and to symbolise something mysterious although, another example of a shot that would be part of the film is shot reverse shots and whip panning to create tension and suggest panic as everything is happening quickly.

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