Monday 11 September 2017

Movie idea

The Grim Reaper 
The first shot is the main characters point of view. The main character is watching the person through a window while the person being watched is on the phone, the person looks anxious and is constantly looking around. He then puts the phone down and the shot cuts to a front door. This shot is filmed over the main characters shoulder and shows them knocking on the door three times. The door slowly opens revealing the person who was being watched. The person looks terrified and is really pale then shakily tries to say something but is cut short by the main character who raises a gun and their phone. The main character then presses a button on the phone and a deformed voice begins to speak, 
"You took the life of a young child 8 years ago when you were drunk driving. The court however let you away with just 15 months in jail. I believe that is no punishment. Have a horrid after life." 
The main character then puts the phone away and shoots the person in the door way. The person collapses on the floor with open eyes and blood beginning to pool around him. The main character then puts a black card with a red bullet and the word grim reaper on the person’s body. The shot then goes closer and closer to the card and fades to black once its shown just the card alone. 
The shot then goes to the main character walking into a building that looks like a rundown office building. The shot follows the character to an elevator where it changes to the characters point of view again. The shot shows the main character just looking down at blood covered shoes. It then changes to a shot showing the character walk out of the elevator. The shot is a long shot showing the whole person however the face is covered by the hood of the hoodie the main character is wearing. The shot shows him walking towards the camera it then changes to show the character enter a door into an office. In the office is a desk with a man sat behind it the man gestures for the main character to sit down on the opposite side of the desk. The next shot shows both of the people sat down with a screen that has a CCTV footage on it. Both characters turn to the screen and it begins to play. The shot to the audience is now the CCTV footage alone. The footage shows how the main character shot the other person and then walked away. The screen then goes back to the two-people sat at the desk. The man who was already sat at the desk pulls out a sheet with a single sentence on it. He pushes it towards the main character whose point of view is the shot again it shows the paper and on it the sentence, “don’t be seen or you'll be killed". The main characters hood falls down at this point revealing a terrified face. The main character begins to beg the other man no to take his life however the other man orders him to stand up and go to the window. 
This shot shows the man who owns the office pull out a gun and shoot the main character. The shot then instantly cuts to a forest and seems as if someone is laid down on the ground. The shot then shows the man from the office throwing soil on to the camera. That's when the screen goes black showing the end of the movie. 

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