Monday 2 October 2017

Thriller Iconography

What is Iconography? 

Iconography is the symbolism, props and images appearing as conventional by reoccurring in a movie genre multiple times. These are then associated with the genre.
Thriller movies intend to play on common fears, usually caused by iconography, explaining why the majority of thrillers are successful.

Some iconography associated with thrillers: (Examples mentioned are in video format below)
  • Weapons such as guns or knives to kill. (PSYCHO SHOWER SCENE)
  • Money which is often earnt through an illegal deed or theft during murder.(GHOST)
  • Blood and gore by death.
  • Shadows to mask the identity of killers amongst the darkness, this triggers a viewers anxieties, as many are frightened of the darkness and what lies within it. 
  • Masks to hide identity during a torturous murder. (HUSH)
  • Being framed at night rather than day as this allows hiding, shadows and darkness.
  • Confined Space to make the audience feel trapped. This tends to scare a large percentage of the audience as many are claustrophobic, being successful as thrillers are made to thrill and trigger anxieties. 
  • Green screen lenses and CGI effects to appear to be in darkness yet allow the viewer to still see the visuals. 
  • Isolated Locations such as woods or derelict towns, as this is far from escape routes and there is no help by other people. (HOUSE OF WAX)
  • Water or lakes usually one victim drowns or uses this to try and escape.

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