Monday 26 February 2018

Film Poster Idea

My Film Poster Idea

My film poster idea has a background image of where the chase scene took place in our film, which is the back streets of Barnsley. The background image I have used is a significant aspect of my film poster idea as it gives our audience a feel for what our film is about, where it takes place and what genre it is. Isolated areas, such as back streets, are conventional for thriller films which I illustrated in my thriller genre research. My film poster idea also has the main character of the film, Charlie, in the central, which is conventional for thriller film posters. This shows the audience that Charlie is the main character of the film which may appeal to women, as it identifies that it is a female lead film. However, the main character, Charlie, is appealing which may attract men to watch the film. Charlie is shown to be wearing normal everyday clothes which is significant due to the fact that the point of our film is to make the audience believe that Charlie is the one being targeted by the assassin. Therefore, the normality of her appearance misleads our audience into thinking the main character is the target when in the end it is revealed that its the other way around. Additionally, this makes my film poster idea effective by foreshadowing the movie without the viewer realising. I have used dull colours, such as grey and black on my film poster idea, which is important as these colours associate which the thriller genre and will persuade any thriller film lovers to watch our film. I have used bold white writing to make the important information stand our to the audience. I have included the title of the film, a star rating, the names of the stars in the film, the director, the age certificate of our film and when the film will be released. Star ratings of popular film companies may persuade the audience to watch our film if they recommend it. Additionally, if the audience are fans of the stars in the film or familiar with the directors work, then they may be persuaded to go and watch our film. Therefore, the audience will know everything they need to about our film so that they can go to watch it.

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