Tuesday 20 March 2018

Questionaire results during production

We asked 10 people to watch our movie and answer a questionnaire based on it. The questionnaire had nine questions on it which gave us a good idea of peoples opinions of our movie. We had a range of ages which gave us multiple different answers.

Question 1
The first question was the gender of the person answering. This was so we could see the difference in how our movie seemed to both genders.

Question 2
The second question asked the age of the person answering. For this we had four age ranges 12-16, 17-20, 21-30 and 31+, this made it easier to put the answers in a chart.

Question 3
The third question asked the people what genre they thought our movie belonged to. For this question we didn't give the people options to choose from we just let them make their own decision. This showed us if our movie looked part of the genre we wanted it to.

Question 4
This question asked people what age certificate would they give our movie. the options were PG, 12, 12A, 15 and 18. The results said 3 for age 12 certificate and 7 for 12A, the majority went with the same certificate which we chose for the movie.  In this question we also asked why they think that would be the correct certificate to give and all of the answers focused on the use of mild violence and the use of gun. The answers for why also said it doesn't need a high certificate due to there not being anything most 12A rated films wouldn't have.

Question 5
The fifth question asked what gender would our movie appeal to and why they think that. The results showed that most people asked thought the movie would appeal to women because of the female lead and the almost all female cast.

Question 6
This question asked how well they understood the storyline of the movie. The answers gave the option of understood completely, understand a little and too complex. Most people who answered understood the storyline a little. The question also asked if the person understood who the little girl in the movie was which most viewers guessed correctly.

Question 7
In this question we asked if they could think of any movies like ours or do they think its unique. For this question we let the people think of their own answers as some of the movies we could of suggested the people may have not seen or heard of. The answers that suggested another movie all suggested movies with female lead.

Question 8
This question asked how likely they are the view the movie on scale of one to five with one representing definitely not and five representing absolutely. The answers were placed between 3 and 5.  Four people said 3, another four said 4 and two people said 5.

Question 9
In our last question we asked how could we improve our movie. Most answers said to answer more sound in order to make it more understandable. This is something we have almost finished doing after winch the movie will be finished.

Filled in questionnaires:

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