Sunday 26 November 2017


Before filming

  • Find a secure location to film, ensuring maximum saftey. 
  • Collect all props and organise the script for each cast member.
  • Fully check equipment is in place for example the camera is securly attached to the tripod.
  • Complete risk assessment.
  • Make sure each member of the group has contacts of eachover on their mobile phones and are never left alone. 
  • Make sure all of the group members are able to participate on the day of filming by contacting each one specifically, we have constructed a group chat on facebook called 'Bullseye Productions Media' and each member participates into this.  
  •  Follow the script to ensure that the film is of a high standard.

 Setting,Dates andTime

  • Setting: Located in Barnsley town centre, Megan's Home and around back of the underground. This area is effective having quiet surroundings and following thriller conventions of isolation.
  • Times and Dates: We will film during the day throughout the week and on weekends for Megan's home.

On the day

  • The group will travel to the specific location above, meeting at the time decidec collectivly on the social media of Facebook.  As we arrive, we will carefully set up the equpiment (camera and tripod) making sure eveything is secure before we begin to film. Each member will be assigned a job either as director or a crew member and follow their role to enable a consistant and efficent outcome.

What do we need to purchase?

  • A moustache 
  • A mask to hide the identity of the stalker following Charlie
  • Black leggings and black top
  • A gun (fake) 


  • We have ensured that we contact the police for using fake weapons in public. This made sure the public didn't contact the police if they thought we were using real weapons.

Thursday 23 November 2017

Changes to the Narrative

Changes to 'The Next Target' Narrative

As a group, we decided to make changes to our storyline due to the story lacking continuity. Additionally, the audience would find difficulty understanding the narrative as the scenes were jumbled and didn't connect. Therefore, as a group, we decided to deduct some scenes, such as the meeting scene between Charlie and Mr and Mrs Jones. In addition, we decided to add numerous scenes to our film to make the plot line more effective to the audience as well as enabling them to have a better understanding of the character of Charlie. For example, we chose to add in a news report into our film to describe what happened to Charlie as a child, as well as adding some clips of Charlie as a child.

Breif storyline:


At the beginning of the film, a person is shown opening a brown envelope and pulling a sheet of paper out which reveals information about a target and then takes out a gun. This implies that the person is an assassin.


A new reporter talks about the murder of Mrs and Mrs Hammer whilst the little girl was playing in the garden; the clip of the little girl is shown to the audience to make them feel empathy for the girl.

This then reverts back to Charlie Hammer who is shown to be getting ready. Charlie then receives a phone call for a man named H, who is her boss. Then, Charlie becomes exposed when she leaves her home and is shown to be vulnerable as she is being followed by The Man in Black. Charlie begins to realise that she is being followed and the scene starts to become intense. Charlie is shown to start walking faster and faster down a dark alleyway with The Man in Black getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Charlie turns around to try defend herself, but the screen turns black.


Charlie is being chased by The Man in Black with a gunin his hand.

Then, a flashback occurs which shows a women named Anne going for a meeting with Charlie as she wants The Man in Black to be killed as he killed her husband and child.

Charlie is shown to be the assasin killing The Man in Black.

*Title Sequence*
Afterwards, Charlie is in her office and receives an email, from H, revealing her next target.

Final Logo

Final Storyboard

Draft Logo Idea

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Individual Draft Logo Idea

Logo Ideas

Thriller Iconography

What is iconography?

Iconography is the use of visual images, props and symbols in order to create an idea upon the genre of a film. For example, we have chosen to focus upon the genre of thriller therefore, these genre of movies contain a sense of mystery and horrific scenes in order to aim to frighten the audience as well as to excite them. Many thriller films contain the use of iconography therefore, this visualises why most of these films have been extremely successful within the making. 
Iconography within thriller films usually include:

  • Weapons such as, knives or guns to reflect violence and threats towards other characters. These objects are significantly used throughout thriller films as they have connotations of danger and blood, death and brutality. An example of this the famous scene reflected in the film, 'Psycho' directed by Hitchcock. Knives are represented to suggest something is going to happen whether it involves the antagonist capturing victims and murdering them or the protagonist planning to kill the villain. 
  • Blood and gore caused by deaths.
  • Confined spaces to make the audience feel trapped. Although, this convention tends to scare half the percentage of the audience as they may suffer from claustrophobia. Thriller films are very successful due to them conveying signs of anxiety towards the audience. 
  • Shadows to mask the identity of the criminals amongst the significance of the darkness. The darkness symbolises death and a sense of threat usually towards the protagonist.
  • Masks to hide the criminals sense of identity and belonging during a murder etc. This is relatively evident in the popular horror, 'The Purge' directed by James DeMonaco in 2013. The narrative reflects a day of the year where the city face no laws or consequences therefore, everyone aims to attack or kill each other. However, this film uses multiple masks to keep the criminals faces unidentified. Therefore, this is done to portray a sense of mystery, suspense and further create tension and excitement upon the audience.
  • Dark clothing to keep the audience drawn into the film. 
  • Isolated areas such as, abandoned homes or woods as there would be no sign of help or no escape routes. 
  • Mysterious gifts or boxes.
  • Water or lakes as one person usually drowns or aims to escape this way. 

Although shadows and silhouettes are another significant convention upon the iconography of thriller films as they create mystery and gradually fade in an image from a distance to reflect to the audience something is going to happen. Shadows are essential in thriller films because they create a sense of fright to the audience as well as bringing them to the edge of their seats. Within thriller films that presents shadows typically reveals the antagonist or a villain however, the protagonist within the film is oblivious to this occurring however, through their senses they are able to feel something isn't particularly right. Characters often reveal emotions through cinematography in shots such as close ups to explore a scared and panicked facial expressions in relation to the audience. An example of a silhouette which is a dark outline of something visible in restricted light is the clown revealed in 'IT' directed by Andy Muscheitti in 2017. 

Image result for it

Confined and isolated spaces is another thriller iconography to symbolise the conventions within the genre to make it a successful movie. These types of confined areas such as, abandoned homes, and woods also makes the audience as well as the characters feel a sense of entrapment as being in a confined space often leads people as well as the protagonist, to panic and begin breathing heavily. Woods are a significant setting to create a sense of atmosphere throughout thriller films as it provides the audience with a feeling of being lost as the characters find themselves trying to find methods in order to escape. Confined spaces creates a sense of vulnerability although, it is a situation which is unavoidable as the characters will never seek help. An example of film to represent ideas of isolated and confined spaces is, 'The Cabin in the Woods' directed by Drew Goddard in 2012.

Setting is also represented through streetlights and alleyways in thrillers,which also gives an intense atmosphere to the viewers perspective, as the dark alleyway scenes keep the viewers excited as to what is going to occur and happen to the killers victim. As for the streetlight scenes it shows the viewers that the victim appears to be safe for now but the killer appears from the shadows to keep an eye on there victim. In addition, the streetlights reflect a part of mise-en-scene through the use of low key lighting with the spotlight shining down from the streetlamp. However, the darkness is juxtaposed to the light as it symbolises the character is alone in the dark therefore, it creates a sense of fright and horror as the audience are unaware of what underlies beneath the darkness. The significance of the darkness reveals a tense atmosphere. Although, the low key lighting is used to capture the character against the surroundings in order to portray a focus on screen. Within this particular type of scene as it depicts a sense of isolation the audience could become more involved with the narrative as opposed to the emotions presented through the characters as they could of experienced a similar situation to this in their life. 

Image result for streetlamps

Themes represented within thriller films include: good against evil, depression, brutality, supernatural, suicide, murders, victimisation and narratives of teenagers exploring a sense of abandonment's. 

Image result for themes in thriller films

Draft Logo Ideas

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Final movie distributor

After we all did research into movie distributors we discussed them all and looked at each company and then collectively decided to go with 'Verve pictures'. This was because we collectivly thought they were closest to what we were looking for in a distributor as they had multiple movies from the same or similar film genre as our movie and distibuted several indepdent films on low budgets much like ours.



Title: The next target

Duration: 5 minutes

Audience: This movie is aimed at 15-25 year olds, it targets both genders through having a strong female lead for young girls and some mild violence for boys. It should intrest anyone who likes thriller and action genre as thats the genre our movie fits in. 

 Certificate: Our movie would get certificate of 15 because of the use of violence in it.

Distributor: After doing individual search into movie distributors we decided on using 'Verve Pictures' as our movie distributor. 

Movie Summary: The movie looks at a young woman who seems to be the target of a man only known as The man in black. The movie however takes turn when it come clear that the woman is in fact an assassin hired by a couple whos daughter was targeted by the man in black. 

Difference from other movies: The next target is different from other thriller/ action movies due to its use of a female lead. The movie however doesn't show to the audience that shes the strong killer until the end making the audience think The Man in black is the one who will kill the woman. The movie is also different to others because both of the characters can be seen as evil. While The Man in black is obviously evil due to the fact that he has hurt many people of all ages, however Charlie can be seen as the villain as well due to the fact that she kills people for a living. 

Possible Distributors

Click here for a presentation on possible distributors

What is a movie distributor?

Movie Distributor

Click here for a possible movie distributor

Film Distributor

Film Distributors
A film distributor is responsible for the marketing of a film. The distribution company is usually different from the production company, however, the same company can also produce the film.
Depending on the production companies size, determines what type of Thriller film will be distributed. For example, a larger company is more likely to distribute a film produced by The Big Six, compared to an independent film company. The Big Six release a substantial number of films every year and earn a major share of box office revenues. The current Big Six came into being from 1990 to 1995, when Hollywood became more of a conglomerate than a mere film production and distribution unit. The Big Six are 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures and Walt Disney Pictures.

Momentum Pictures

Slide Share of Momentum Pictures

Possible Distributors

Friday 17 November 2017

Character Profiles

Character Profile
                                                             Charlie Hammer                      

Age: 26
Actor: Megan Blackburn
Image: Charlie has long brown hair and sky blue eyes.
Personality: Charlie is at first shown to be vulnerable and powerless however, as the film progresses she is revealed to be powerful and dominant as she assassinates The Man in Black.
Overview: Charlie is the lead female role and the protagonist in 'The Next Target'. Charlie is a secret assassin who is sent to kill The Man in Black for a woman and a man who's daughter had been stalked and killed by him. The name 'hammer' is used to convey her strength and power.
Hobbies: Charlie enjoys pampering herself to improve her appearance. For example, Charlie wears red lipstick and red can be seen as the colour connoting death/lust.

                                                                  The Man In Black                  

Actor: Kattre Voznjuk
Age: Not known.
Image: The Man in Black wears a black mask to hide his identity and is a metaphor for hiding his evilness. The Man in Black also wears all black clothing which conveys his evilness.
Personality: The Man in Black is evil and menacing as he doesn't think twice before committing horrendous, gory and brutal crimes.
Overview: The Man in Black is the antagonist in 'The Next Target'. The Man in Black is a brutal criminal and is shown to be a man who lurks in the shadows. The criminal has a reputation of haunting the streets by stalking, killing, raping and robbing vulnerable individuals. The Man in Black is very intelligent as he has managed to escape the police numerous times and always been one step ahead of them.
Hobbies: The Man in Black has previous offenses of being a killer, rapist, robber, and a stalker.

                                                           Charlie Hammer (as a child)            

Actor: Emily Fisher
Image: Charlie, as a child, has long white curly hair with big blue eyes, which shows her innocence.  
Personality: Charlie is a young child who is sweet and vulnerable, but doesn't have many friends and is quite lonely. Charlie witnesses her parents being murdered by 'The Man In Black'. 
Hobbies: Charlie enjoys to play in the garden.

                                                            Male News Reporter                      

Actor: Lee Griffiths
Age: 47
Image: Graham has black hair, has big blue eyes and wears glasses to make himself appear more professional and serious. He wears sophisticated outfits for his profession as a news reporter.
Personality: Graham is very serious as he is a news reporter and deals with a variety of serious cases, including murder cases.
Hobbies: He enjoys walking his dogs and watching documentaries, such as Planet Earth.

                                                                      Mrs Jones                                   

Actor: Kattre Voznjuk
Age: 34
Image: Has white hair to show her inncoence, and wears black to connote the death of her loved ones.
Personality: Mrs Jones is greving over the loss of her family members and doesnt show much emotion tro appear strong.

Hobbies: Mrs Jones doesnt have any hobbies since the death of her husband and child.

                                                                Female Secretary                                              

Actor: Kirsty Griffiths
Age: 23
Image: The female secretary has white hair with blue eyes, which implies her innocence.
Personality: The famale secretary is very quiet and keeps everything a secret as she works for an assassin. The secretary is very sweet and organises everything for Charlie.
Hobbies: The female secretary enjoys reading books.

Props and costumes

Thursday 16 November 2017

Location photos and preproduction

Click here for the location photos and preproduction

Age Certificate for Our Film

Age Certificates

BBFC Age Certificates For Films
  • Infrequent strong language  
  • Sex may be briefly and discreetly portrayed
  • Verbal sex references should not go beyond what is suitable for young teenagers
  • Nudity is allowed, but sexual nudity should be brief and discreet. 
  • Moderate violence is allowed, but it should not go overboard with detail.
  • There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified by their context. For example, if an injury occurs in a medical context.
  • Weapons shouldn't be glamorised.
  • Sexual violence should be brief and discreet.

 The Final Film Certificate

Our film should be categorised 12A as our film matches the criteria. Our Film has moderate violence, but only has little detail with the weapon. Additionally, our film meets a 12A criteria as it doesn't glamorise the gun we use in our film. Our film doesn't contain sexual violence, sexual references, strong language and it doesn't emphasise injuries or blood.

What are the differences between the certificates 12 and 12A?

The certificates 12 and 12A are often confused with one another, as they are so similar.

Films classified 12A or 12  do contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. However this does not mean that  no one younger than 12 may see a 12A film. Persons of a younger age may view the film, only if accompanied by an adult. Adults are given guidelines by the BBFC which are available to view on their website, to allow them to make the decision as to whether to take a child under 12 to view a 12A film. An adult should consider whether the film is suitable for that child. Films classified 12 are only suitable for ages 12 and above. No other exceptions may be made not even by a child being accompanied by an adult, as this criteria is only of a 12A as the A represents adult, which is the method of my own on how this can be distinctly remembered. 

Possible certificates

 Possible Certificates for 'The next target'

This document explores all of the possible certificates, however due to our film containing violence, it will be rated above a 12.
U typically stands for Universal. This portrays that films such as, The Smurfs are suitable for all ages however, children under the age of four possibly needs to be accompanied by an adult. Therefore, these films  are usually suited to ages of four and over. Within these Universal films they can contain aspects of mild language such as, 'hell' which can influence the younger audiences to recall these words. Furthermore, these films contain minimum sexual scenes however, it can contain a couple of scenes kissing for example. In addition, violence, behavioral and drug scenes are strictly not used within this age certificate as it is not appropriate for younger audiences. Also, as they can be graphical scenes used therefore, children and younger generations can retaliate in the way characters play roles within films. Although, in some Universal films there are various bad guys contained however, they typically not represented as scary otherwise viewers may become detached from the film and frightened.

PG typically means Parental Guidance. This shows it is suited for viewers aged eight and over therefore, viewers that are younger than the approved age will need to be advised by a parent to watch the film. In contrast to a Universal film, PG's can contain images such as violence and sex as they are older audiences however, they are still kept quite mild. A PG film tends to represent to the parental audience that the content of the films can be quite upsetting towards certain viewers. As similar to Universal films, no drug scenes are used unless they are harmless otherwise this could influence the younger generations and teach them how to take drugs etc.

12A is films suitable for audiences under the age of twelve. Also, within this the A is used to establish the fact that, if a child goes to see a film they must be approved by an adult in case the child is disturbed by any images or upset by the content of the film. Within films rated 12A scenes are briefly summarised when exploring references to violence and sex as they have a clearer understanding. Although, violence scenes contain, mild injuries or blood which can still cause threat towards the audience and frighten them.

12 reflects that children under the age of 12 are strictly not approved or permitted to watch these films due to infrequent strong language, and nudity which suggests sexual references that are not appropriate towards the younger viewers. However, when these scenes are reflected within 12 rating films they are stronger in contrast to the other ratings listed above but, mild in order to make sure the audience feel comfortable. Although, people over the age of 12 are approved to watch the film with or without an adult.

15 is suitable for viewers only over the age of 15 and above due to frequent strong language used, nudity and reference to sexual scenes also, there are scenes reflecting drug use and violence. These types of sadistic scenes cause tension, suspense and horror upon the viewers therefore, this may abrupt or disturb younger audiences as they may begin to feel threatened.

 18 is only approved to viewers over the age of 18 and above. These films are likely to contain strong images and scenes of frequent violence and discrimination, and behaviour is portrayed as a threat towards others. Also, there are many scenes showing horror which would frighten younger audiences in contrast to 15 films these are more powerful and create tension upon viewers.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Risk Assessment

Due to changes in our movie we are now using a child within the movie. We have got a letter from the mother stating she fine with this and we have informed her of any dangers that could occur when filming.